The grounds of St Sepulchre’s Cemetery in Jericho has recently received the Green Flag Award – an award scheme that recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world.
The grounds are maintained by an active Friends group, who meet on a regular basis to carry out planned activities that benefit the overall feel of the Cemetery.
Lucy Real Estate contacted the volunteer group earlier this year to offer their help, and members of the team try to dedicate an hour of their time as often as they can to help maintain and improve the grounds. Lucy Real Estate also donated a selection of plants for the seating area in the cemetery, and they plan to tidy William Lucy’s grave in the new year.
Thanks to the active Friends volunteers continued hard work this is the second year the grounds have received the Green Flag Award!
The Green Flag Award is only given to outstanding green spaces, and St Sepulchre’s Cemetery is one of six spaces in Oxford to receive this prestigious award – a fantastic achievement!
When awarding the prize, the judges who visited St Sepulchre commented on the “outstanding community involvement” that goes into maintaining the grounds
Lucy Real Estate is proud to have helped contribute towards this great achievement.